Fronhofer Galeria

Architecture, Office, Hotel and Commerce,
  • Phases: 1 - 5
  • Planingtime: 2000 - 2003
  • BGF: 32,600 m2
  • BRI: 119,600 m3

Fronhofer Galeria is located in the former Hertie Kaufhaus in the centre of the city of Bonn-Bad Godesberg. In order to guarantee a sense of scale with regard to the small urban surroundings as well as the readibility of the building units, the new building is divided into three parts that differ from each other in cubage and materiality. The high-gloss stainless steel external cladding of the office high-rise building reflects the sky, the light and the atmosphere of the area. In the case of the department store the focus is on the spaciously designed glass facade in a structure made of Eternit and copper.